Jake Webster Studio Visit (6) Students from Curatorial Studies visit Jake Webster in his studio in Elkhart, IN.
Jake Webster Studio Visit (5) Students assist Jake Webster prepare his work for transportation.
Jake Webster Studio Visit (4) Students assist Jake Webster prepare his work for transportation.
Jake Webster Studio Visit (3) Students assist Jake Webster prepare his work for transportation.
Jake Webster Studio Visit (2) Students from Curatorial Studies visit Jake Webster in his studio in Elkhart, IN.
Jake Webster Studio Visit (1) Students from Curatorial Studies visit Jake Webster in his studio in Elkhart, IN.
Preparing Webster Installation (2) Students work to set up "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery.
Preparing Webster Installation (1) Students work to set up "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery.
Jake Webster Installation (11) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (10) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (9) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (8) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (7) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (6) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (5) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (4) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (3) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (2) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Installation (1) Photo from "Come Talk With Me: The Art of Jake Webster" in Moreau Gallery from Nov. 28 through Dec. 6 2022.
Jake Webster Jake Webster, sculptor, mixed media artist, and spoken word performer. My work speaks about my community and the environment in which I live. I use the tradition of direct carving in wood and stone and apply a contemporary attitude by creating art with whatever is at hand to tell a story.
On August 10, 2015, I was featured in the Emmy award-winning documentary “Dreaming in Public”. It was aired on PBS. The documentary was produced by Grass Roots Media. The film is about making a living as artists in the midwest.
I always begin my sculpting process by writing poetry. Poetry is the fastest way for me to get an idea from my head to paper. Now that I got the idea down on paper, the sculpting begins. As a child growing up in Mississippi before I learned to draw and paint, I would sit up and cry because so much was happening around me and nobody was recording it, so I would write it down knowing that one day I was going to learn how to MAKE ART.
When you come to view my sculptures and to listen to my poetry there are two things you must know, “Art is never anything you want it to be” always ask questions and “beauty is never in the eye of the beholder” always ask questions.
Physical Maquettes Displayed Display in Moreau Gallery of maquettes created for Curatorial Studies, Fall 2022.
Physical Maquette (3) Physical model of maquette created for Curatorial Studies, Fall 2022.
Physical Maquette (2) Physical model of maquette created for Curatorial Studies, Fall 2022.
Physical Maquette (1) Physical model of maquette created for Curatorial Studies, Fall 2022.
Little Theater Right Side Group 3 Maquette