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Digital and Public Humanities at SMC

The Bertilak Museum


The Bertilak Museum
This project is the website of fictional museum inspired by Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:
The Bertilak Museum was founded in Cornwall and strives to bring knowledge of Arthurian legends to the general public. We aim to inspire a passion for everything related to King Arthur in all of our visitors. Our museum hosts multiple interactive exhibits that will allow visitors to fully immerse themselves in the work of King Arthur and his knights. The Bertilak Museum is also proud to be involved with a series of traveling and temporary exhibits. We have partnered with other museums and projects devoted to the Arthurian world in order to share our latest research, our dedication, and our resources with countless fellow King Arthur enthusiasts from all over the world.
The Bertilak Museum
Object Project created for HUST 324: Late Medieval and Renaissance Literature
list of authors
Marirose Osborne
Brittany Blagburn
Brynne Volpe