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Digital and Public Humanities at SMC

Dr. Jessalyn Bird


Dr. Jessalyn Bird
Dr. Bird is is an interdisciplinary medievalist by training, and her many articles on intellectual, social, legal, and religious developments within and across cultures have or will soon appear in the Journal of Medieval History, Traditio, Crusades, Medieval Sermon Studies, and Essays in Medieval Studies. A prolific reviewer for Sehepunkte, she is also on the editorial boards of Crusades and the Brepols Outremer series. She has co-edited multiple volumes with international groups of scholars on Christiam-Muslim relations, the impact of church councils, and the crusades’ impact on European culture. She co-chairs the Medieval Academy’s K-12 committee and has developed numerous OER educational resources for teaching global ancient and medieval history and literature, hosted on LibreTexts.
Affiliated Faculty
Associate Professor of Humanistic Studies
Resource class