Madge Oberholtzer Madge Oberholtzer (1897–1925) as seen in the 1917 issue of The Drift, the Butler University student yearbook. After graduating from Manual High School—located then on the near south side of downtown Indianapolis—Oberholtzer attended Butler University on its Irvington campus from the fall of 1914 until 1917. As a student she was a member of the Pi Beta Phi Sorority. Oberholtzer worked as the manager of the Indiana Young People’s Reading Circle, a special section of the Indiana Department of Public Instruction.
September 15, 1948, Board of Directors’ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes September 15, 1948, Board of Directors’ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. The quota on Black students at Butler University ran from 1927—a year prior to the University’s move to its current campus—until 1948. The University’s Board of Directors meeting minutes provide no detail behind why the quota was started. This excerpt is from September 15, 1948, when the Executive Committee initially voted to rescind the quota: Dr. Ross presented the following resolution and moved its adoption. Be it resolved, that the Executive Committee recommend to the Board of Directors at their next regular meeting that a resolution be passed that no discrimination should be made against students desiring to enter Butler University on account of their race or religion and that all action discriminating against race or religion heretofore made, if any, is hereby set aside and declared void. Mr. James seconded the motion. All voted with the exception of Mr. Brown, voting “no”, and Mr. Reilly not voting."
October 13, 1948, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Page 218 October 13, 1948, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Page 218. The quota on Black students at Butler University ran from 1927—a year prior to the University’s move to its current campus—until 1948. The University’s Board of Directors meeting minutes provide no detail behind why the quota was started. This excerpt is from October 13, 1948, when the quota was officially abolished: (Page 217) Mr. Brown asked Mr. Emsley W. Johnson, Chairman of the Executive Committee to make a report for that Committee. Mr. Johnson stated: "At a meeting of the Executive Committee held upon the 15th day of September, 1948, the following resolution was passed:
Be it resolved, that the Executive Committee recommend to the Board of Directors at their next regular meeting that a resolution be passed to the effect that no discrimination should be made against students desiring to enter Butler University on account of their race or religion and that all action discriminating against race or religion heretofore made, if any, is hereby set aside and declared void.
(Page 218) I therefore move the adoption of the following resolution:
Be it resolved, that no discrimination should be made against students desiring to enter Butler University on account of their race or religion and that all action discriminating against race or religion heretofore made, if any, be hereby set aside and the same be now declared void."
Mr. Walker seconded the motion and all voted aye."
October 13, 1948, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Page 217 October 13, 1948, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Page 217. The quota on Black students at Butler University ran from 1927—a year prior to the University’s move to its current campus—until 1948. The University’s Board of Directors meeting minutes provide no detail behind why the quota was started. This excerpt is from October 13, 1948, when the quota was officially abolished: (Page 217) Mr. Brown asked Mr. Emsley W. Johnson, Chairman of the Executive Committee to make a report for that Committee. Mr. Johnson stated: "At a meeting of the Executive Committee held upon the 15th day of September, 1948, the following resolution was passed:
Be it resolved, that the Executive Committee recommend to the Board of Directors at their next regular meeting that a resolution be passed to the effect that no discrimination should be made against students desiring to enter Butler University on account of their race or religion and that all action discriminating against race or religion heretofore made, if any, is hereby set aside and declared void.
(Page 218) I therefore move the adoption of the following resolution:
Be it resolved, that no discrimination should be made against students desiring to enter Butler University on account of their race or religion and that all action discriminating against race or religion heretofore made, if any, be hereby set aside and the same be now declared void."
Mr. Walker seconded the motion and all voted aye."
July 13, 1927, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes [Content Warning: Please be advised that the language related to race used in this excerpt from the Butler University Board of Directors (Board of Trustees) meeting minutes is racist and offensive and may cause distress. We are providing record of this excerpt for historical documentation and transparency on the issue of the quota at Butler University. If the viewer wishes to skip the entry, please move to the next part of the exhibit.]July 13, 1927, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes. The quota on Black students at Butler University ran from 1927—a year prior to the University’s move to its current campus—until 1948. The University’s Board of Directors meeting minutes provide no detail behind why the quota was started. This excerpt is from July 13, 1927, when the quota was instituted: "The problem of taking care of colored students at the college was again discussed and on motion of Mr. Burns, seconded by Mr. Irwin, the following resolution was unaminously [sic] adopted. RESOLVED: That all colored students who may be enrolled at Butler College at this time except those in the College of Religion shall be permitted – if they make proper grades – to graduate, and that each year, beginning with the term of September 1927, not over ten additional colored students may be admitted. Before being admitted all such students shall pass such examinations as may be required by a committee of the faculty to be appointed by the president, and to include the Dean of men, the Dean of women and the director of physical education."
The D. C. Stephenson House In 1923 D. C. Stephenson bought a house in the town of Irvington on the east side of Indianapolis. Built in 1889 the house sat within walking distance to the Butler University campus and had previously served as the home of a Civil War colonel’s family and later the house for Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. Stephenson remodeled the home, primarily adding a front portico with four two-story columns, to resemble the Ku Klux Klan’s national headquarters located in Atlanta, Georgia. The house is now on the National Register of Historic Places as the William H. H. Graham House and is privately owned.
D. C. Stephenson D. C. Stephenson (1891–1966) served as the Grand Dragon of the Indiana branch of the Ku Klux Klan from 1923 to 1925. During his Klan involvement, Stephenson held considerable power in Indiana politics—over half of the Indiana General Assembly, including the State’s Governor, were Klan affiliated—and held influence throughout the Midwest. In 1925 he raped and murdered a young woman named Madge Oberholtzer. The resulting trial led to Stephenson’s conviction and imprisonment as well as the demise of the second wave of the Klan in the United States, which lasted from approximately 1915 to the late 1920s. The first Klan existed during the Civil War through the beginning of the Reconstruction period (circa 1861–1871), and the third Klan came about during the 1950s and still exists today.
24th Boulé, 1956, Washington D.C. 24th Boulé, 1956, Washington D.C.
26th Boulé, 1959, Miami, Florida 26th Boulé, 1959, Miami, Florida
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorors on Butler University's Campus, 1997 Sigma Gamma Rho sorors walking along a campus sidewalk with the Butler University sign in the foreground. This photo was taken in 1997 during the 75th anniversary activities.
Sigma Gamma Rho Founders at 1972 Boulé Five of the seven Sigma Gamma Rho Founders at the 1972 Boulé. Pictured from left to right are Dorothy Hanley (Whiteside), Mary Lou Allison (Little), Hattie Mae Dulin (Redford), Nannie Mae Gahn (Johnson), and Vivian Irene White (Marbury).
Group of Sorors, 50th Anniversary Boulé 50th Golden Anniversary Boulé, 1972, Indianapolis, Indiana. Sorors who attended pose on Monument Circle in downtown Indianapolis in front of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument.
Fairview Campus Butler University opened for classes on its current campus in 1928. The early campus consisted of one academic building, an athletic complex with a basketball court and football stadium, and a few additional buildings. From bottom to top in the photograph there is the defunct trolley railroad track, the old Campus Club building—which was relocated from the Irvington campus—Jordan Hall, and the Butler Fieldhouse off in the distance.
Fairview Park Butler University’s current campus was once home to Fairview Park, a popular trolley park. In addition to walking paths in a quiet nature setting, Fairview Park offered such varieties of entertainment as boat rides, a bowling alley, and pony rides. The postcard depicts some scenes from the park.
Fairview Park Butler University’s current campus was once home to Fairview Park, a popular trolley park. In addition to walking paths in a quiet nature setting, Fairview Park offered such varieties of entertainment as boat rides, a bowling alley, and pony rides. The postcard depicts some scenes from the park.
Irvington Campus A scenic view of Butler University’s second campus located in Irvington on the east side of Indianapolis. This photograph shows the two academic buildings: Burgess Hall (left) and the Main—or Administration—Building (right).
Irvington Campus A scenic view of Butler University’s second campus located in Irvington on the east side of Indianapolis. This postcard shows the two academic buildings: Burgess Hall (left) and the Main—or Administration—Building (right).
Bona Thompson Memorial Library The only remaining building on the site of Butler University's Irvington campus is the Bona Thompson Memorial Library, located at the intersection of University and Downey Avenues. The building was built in 1904 and served as the library until the University’s departure from the Irvington campus in 1928. Today the Irvington Historical Society operates out of the building.
College Avenue Campus The first academic building on the first campus of Butler University—previously North Western Christian University—near 13th Street and College Avenue near downtown Indianapolis. Butler University operated on this campus from 1855 to 1875. The building no longer stands.
Teachers College of Indianapolis Students, circa 1900 A group of approximately 72 students from the Teachers College of Indianapolis taken around 1900. A handwritten note on the photo reads “Class of 1890.”
Teachers College of Indianapolis Students, 1922 A group of students from the Teachers College of Indianapolis taken in 1922.