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The Centennial Anniversary of Sigma Gamma Rho: A Historical Look at the Sorority and Butler University

Becoming a College Sorority

24th Boulé, 1956, Washington D.C.

24th Boulé, 1956, Washington D.C.

During the professional Sorority’s first three formative years, the Alpha Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho—comprising the seven founders and other teachers—focused on identity. By 1925 the Sorority was ready to convene a convention for all members, and the first Boulé was held in Indianapolis in December. The present slogan, “Greater Service, Greater Progress,” was adopted at the convention.

During the Fifth Boulé held in Cleveland, Ohio in 1929 members approved significant changes to the Articles of Incorporation of the Grand Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho. The changes aligned with the Sorority’s focus on growth. Robert Lee Brokenburr filed the amended articles in 1930. The name of the corporation and sorority was changed to “Sigma Gamma Rho,” and it became a “college Sorority,” with membership open to “college women who have attended or are attending some recognized college.” A Charter Committee worked to ensure that “Sigma Gamma Rho was officially granted a charter at Butler University.” Its efforts were successful, with the charter granted to Alpha Chapter at Butler.