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The Centennial Anniversary of Sigma Gamma Rho: A Historical Look at the Sorority and Butler University

October 13, 1948, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Page 218


October 13, 1948, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Page 218
October 13, 1948, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Page 218. The quota on Black students at Butler University ran from 1927—a year prior to the University’s move to its current campus—until 1948. The University’s Board of Directors meeting minutes provide no detail behind why the quota was started. This excerpt is from October 13, 1948, when the quota was officially abolished: (Page 217) Mr. Brown asked Mr. Emsley W. Johnson, Chairman of the Executive Committee to make a report for that Committee. Mr. Johnson stated: "At a meeting of the Executive Committee held upon the 15th day of September, 1948, the following resolution was passed:
Be it resolved, that the Executive Committee recommend to the Board of Directors at their next regular meeting that a resolution be passed to the effect that no discrimination should be made against students desiring to enter Butler University on account of their race or religion and that all action discriminating against race or religion heretofore made, if any, is hereby set aside and declared void.
(Page 218) I therefore move the adoption of the following resolution:
Be it resolved, that no discrimination should be made against students desiring to enter Butler University on account of their race or religion and that all action discriminating against race or religion heretofore made, if any, be hereby set aside and the same be now declared void."
Mr. Walker seconded the motion and all voted aye."
Butler University
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Board of Trustees Records (UA01.01), Special Collections, Rare Books, and University Archives, Irwin Library, Butler University