
  • AcademFic

    A journal of and for academics who write fiction. We publish short stories of any length, from brief parables to novelettes. Reviews of fiction by academics, essays about the value of writing fiction as an academic, and other related content can also find a home here.

  • Αρετή (Arete): Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership

    Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership offers a platform that encourages theory development, theory-related discussion, and action projects from multiple disciplines with the aspiration of generating commentary and debate.   Besides regular full-length submissions, Αρετή publishes case studies, perspective-taking essays, critical essays, and posters that contribute to the conversation regarding a problem or issue.  Αρετή (Arete) is published in collaboration with the Global Leadership Institute and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. The journal website is hosted at PALNI. It is a global, peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes to a broad audience who appreciate the intellectual breadth of a global theoretical framework. Authors are NOT charged a fee.  Please visit our editorial team if you have questions.


  • Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology

    Vision seeks to encourage theological reflection by church leaders on the identity, mission, and practices of the church from an Anabaptist-Mennonite perspective.

  • Journal of Integrative Behavioral Science [Inactive]

    [Inactive] The Journal of Integrative Behavioral Science recognizes and supports diverse disciplines, perspectives, and methods across social, psychological, and theological sciences.  JIBS features articles that cover theoretical integration of ideas of social, psychological, biological, and theological sciences, and original empirical research articles of general scientific value.  JIBS integrates the knowledge from many fields in a new synthesis of universal behavioral science.  The journal publishes papers that represent theoretical exploration and original empirical research undertaken by students and faculty at Grace College. [JIBS is not accepting submissions at this time.]