Spring 2018 Issue

Spring 2018: The Church and Young Adults

The spring issue of Vision is on the theme “The Church and Young Adults.†Issue editors Irma Fast Dueck and Peter Epp, both of Canadian Mennonite University, observe that the issue doesn’t focus explicitly on why young adults are leaving the church but rather on what young adults and their staying and leaving opens up for what it means to be the church in North America today:

“The church throughout history has wrestled with how it can remain relevant to young adults. As we shaped the Spring 2018 issue of Vision, we assumed that the concerns young adults raise about the church are not just issues related to the experience of this generation but connect to the whole church and what it means to be the body of Christ in our context. We are pleased to offer the insights of young adults, pastors, and scholars, as they reflect on scripture, research, and their experience, for our edification and the church’s renewal.â€