Information For Authors

Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology seeks to encourage theological reflection by church leaders on the identity, mission, and practices of the church from an Anabaptist-Mennonite perspective.

Typically, issue editors invite contributions. If you are interested in submitting a piece on a theme of an upcoming issue, please contact the editor for that issue. See the listing of upcoming topics and issue editors on the Announcements page.

Issue editors seek to include a variety of perspectives in each issue. The group of writers typically includes pastors and church leaders as well as scholars, women and men, Canadians and Americans. We also try to include perspectives from other parts of the globe and a variety of social locations. Often issues include a sermon. The issue editor may also include a review or two of books on the issue theme, or a review article. The perspective from which pieces are written is usually Anabaptist-Mennonite, but themes are to be addressed in ways that have relevance for a wider audience of church leaders.

Audience is pastors and other church leaders, many but not all of them Anabaptist-Mennonite. Vision occupies a niche somewhere between academic journals and church magazines.

Length should be 2,700 words or less.

Style should be coherent and thoughtful but not pedantic. Footnotes should generally be limited to a few brief references. Documentation should follow The Chicago Manual of Style’s notes and bibliography system

Content usually brings together experience and reflection, often combining pastoral practice and scholarly study.

Compensation: Contributors are not paid for their contributions; they receive two copies of the issue to which they contributed.