Talking from the heart, seeing from the heart

Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount—and my dog


  • Will Streeter


discipleship, sermon on the mount, Matthew 5–7

Author Biography

Will Streeter

“Will Streeter (1963–2012), spiritual director, teacher, and builder, was an unforgettable student. At midlife, after being inspired by the teachings and friendship of Richard Rohr, Will came to Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Elkhart, Indiana) to study spiritual direction. While he struggled courageously with a recurrence of ocular melanoma during the time of his study, he persevered in offering both individual and group spiritual direction. As it became clear that his journey would lead to an untimely death, his spiritual sight became clearer and stronger. All who knew him were given an extraordinary gift as we witnessed his amazing human vulnerability and simultaneously the deepening and strengthening of his faith. Will lived and loved well—and was given the gift of purity of heart. We should heed his testimony.â€â€” Marlene Kropf

