Returning to nonresistance


  • Layton Friesen Steinbach Bible College


Mennonites, Anabaptists, Gelassenheit, nonretaliation


I will not provide an historical description of the shape of nonresistance but will rather describe what I see as its inner spiritual and dogmatic logic. It had its nuances and internal disagreements among adherents, but the basic form I want to hold up here can be stated quite simply as the refusal of the church to kill, with the recognition that God has given the sword to the state to punish evil and maintain order. Or, in short, as imitators of Christ, we won’t kill, but at times the state probably should.

Author Biography

Layton Friesen, Steinbach Bible College

Layton Friesen is the academic dean of Steinbach Bible College and a minister in the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. He is the author of Secular Nonviolence and the Theo-Drama of Peace: Anabaptist Ethics and the Catholic Christology of Hans Urs Von Balthasar (T&T Clark, 2022).


