What we need is here

On finding our way back home


  • Julian Waldner Decker Hutterite Community


homelessness, Sermon on the Mount, The Odyssey


The scriptures tell us that God in Jesus has made his home with us, come to seek and save the homeless (John 1:14). God comes as one scattering seeds, which grow to be large trees giving shelter, shade, and food (Mark 4:26). Jesus invites those who are anxious and weary to come and find rest (Matt. 11:28–30). Against our self-serious attempts to make something of ourselves and the world, Jesus announces, “It is finished” (John 19:30). In Jesus, God’s peace has arrived. It is here. Jesus calls us
home, into the joy of creation, for look: “the home of God is among mortals” (Rev. 21:3). What we need is here.

Author Biography

Julian Waldner, Decker Hutterite Community

Julian Waldner is a member of the Decker Hutterite Community and a current student at Canadian Mennonite University. On the completion of his degree, he is planning to serve his community as a high school teacher. Julian blogs at Coffee with Kierkegaard (https://coffeewithkierkgaard.home.blog/).


