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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • COVER LETTER: Highlight to the journal editor what makes your research compelling, new, or impactful to the field of global leadership.
    *Author Information
    *Type of Submission
    *Significance to the Journal's scope,
    * 5-6 keywords (although the system will prompt you for this too)
    *Statement you have authority to represent your co-authors (if applicable)
    *Statement of original research
  • WORD FILE: The submission file is in Microsoft Word. Written in English. A template is available.
  • URLs & DOIs: Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • FORMAT: The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Use APA 7TH EDITION: The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership is an open-access journal and follows the Creative Commons License (CC-BY 4.0). Copyrights for articles published in this journal are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. It is the author’s responsibility to act on any infringement. The journal is published in electronic format and the journal does not provide printed copies of the published issue. There is no charge for acceptance.

APA 7th edition + DOIs/URLs

The journal requires the submission to meet APA 7th edition publication manual guidelines and additionally requires that authors add DOIs and persistent links to references that have DOIs. Articles undergo a double-blind peer review. Both case studies and critical essays/perspectives undergo a double-blind peer review. The review process is the same. All three types of submissions (article, case study, and critical essay/perspective) qualify for the Contribution of Excellence Award.

Ethics Statement

The Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership journal was founded in 2022 and will seek membership in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as soon as Arete meets the requirements (number of submissions, etc.). In the interim, Arete follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These guidelines cover the duties of authors, the duties of reviewers, the duties of editorial board members, duties of the chief editor. The journal uses open journal system (OJS) to support transparency as well as support all stakeholders. The COPE publication guidelines are available at

Publication Date:

The Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership publishes annually with a goal to publish semi-annually. The journal reserves the right to assign an article to a future journal if the article fits the theme. The section editor will make the final decision to accept, reject, or request additional minor revisions. All types of submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter as a supplemental file. Remove any reference to the authors from the article, case study, or critical essay/perspective file.

Supplemental File: Cover Letter

Link to Sample Cover Letter Template (includes poster)

Author Information: The cover letter should contain the name, affiliation, and e-mail address of all authors. If multiple authors, the main author should be listed first and include a phone number. The journal editor(s) only correspond with the main author.

Type of Submission: It should include the title of the manuscript and the type of submission: article, case study, or critical essay & perspective. 

Significance to the Journal’s Scope: The cover letter should indicate why the work is significant, how it fits the journal, and why it would appeal to the readership of the journal (do not just insert the abstract). 

 Other Requirements:

  • Include 5-6 keywords·
  • Statement by communicating author that you have the authority to represent your co-authors.
  • Statement of original research (example: We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere)·
  • Statement of conflict of interest (example: We have no conflict of interest to disclose)·
  • If the author uses copyrighted materials from others, a statement should be included stating permission has been given to use the image, table, or infographic.
  • Statement of verification that the treatment of human subjects was in accordance with established ethical standards, if applicable.
  • A statement that I/we agree on the submission, if accepted for publication, shall be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0).
  •  I/We agree that if the submission is accepted, any data will be made available under the Creative Common 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver unless otherwise stated.

Formatting and Content Requirements

 The Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership publishes manuscripts that have been written according to APA 7th edition publication manual guidelines. The format will depend on the type of submission: article, case study, or critical essay & perspective.


Regular full-length submissions of  6,000 words to 12,000 words with author-created infographics and multimedia are encouraged. Authors should clearly elaborate on how the contribution impacts globally. Abstracts are limited to 250 words. Authors should use APA 7th edition format. Articles are double-blind and peer-reviewed. In general, articles could encompass global organizational leadership including theory building, strategy, organizational behavior, employment changes, human capital, cultural and global mindset, cultural intelligence, action projects for positive change, ethics, diversity and inclusion, technology for good, learning and development, global equine business and leadership, case development, leveraging strengths for decision-making, or healthcare leadership including therapeutic studies. 

Research Article Template-April Revision

Cover Letter Template

Editorial Process - Articles

Submissions that pass the preliminary and editorial board review are then subject to peer review from two (or more) peer reviewers. Here are the steps.

EP Process 1: Check the similarity
Editor (or editorial assistant) checks for similarity. All essays or perspectives containing plagiarism, including self-plagiarism are rejected.  APA policy states that aurthors are responsible for accuracy of any information in their article.  AI tools may be used, but authors should verify content and disclose and cite the use AI content responsibly.
EP Process 2: “Fit” check
Editorial board member(s) check for fit to the journal’s aim and scope. Manuscripts that do not align with the journal’s scope will be rejected.
EP Process 3: Peer Review
For articles, the journal uses a double-blind system for peer review. For Cases and Critical Essay & Perspectives, the journal uses a single-blind system for peer review. Editors will remove author information before sending it to peer reviewers. Submissions are assessed for clarity, rigor, analysis, validity, and impact on Global Leadership. A broad range of methodologies will be considered – qualitative, quantitative, mixed research methods, evaluation studies, and action research. Articles crafted from dissertations should provide evidence of promising practices, new models, or insights. The review process may take four to six weeks. 

Upon completion of the review process (4-6 weeks), the main author of the article will receive an evaluation result as follows:

  • Accepted
  • Accepted with revisions
  • Rejected

EP Process 4: If revisions
If the article is accepted with revisions, the editorial board assigned will re-review the manuscript for corrections and/or revisions. The author has two weeks to re-submit.
EP Process 5: Final proof
It is possible that the editors will move tables, and re-arrange images or infographics for best reading practices. The main author will receive a notification of the “proofs” when ready. This will allow you to eliminate errors introduced during the proofing process. Do not make significant changes without permission from the editor(s).

Author Agreement Contract:
Authors (represented by the main author) must warrant that the manuscript is original work, that you have rights to the work, and have obtained permission for any copyrighted work (i.e., infographics not developed by the author). Articles should not have been published elsewhere. Authors who have an accepted article must indicate any conflicts of interest or funding.

Case Studies

Cases studies are  2,500 words to 7,500 words, peer-reviewed, and follow case study pedagogy. Authors should use APA 7th edition format. Case studies are double-blind and peer-reviewed. Infographics (created by the author) are encouraged. Data sets are welcome.

A case study should examine an actual problem or issue at a global level and should further Global Leadership. The case can be anonymized. A title should appropriately reflect the key issue of the case.  The case should be based on true events. Abstracts are limited to 250 words.

The case can focus on an individual, event, project, or organization. Cases should include 3-10 questions that can guide learning and stimulate effective classroom discussion. Where relevant, authors are encouraged to share outcomes of case use. Authors should be willing to provide teaching notes upon request (if the case is accepted for publishing). The case study can be accompanied by any supporting information – slides, teaching notes, syllabi, or Excel files. However, none of these are required and will not impact acceptance. Supporting information does not impact the word limit. 

The case study should provide a useful resource for students, faculty, faculty researchers, professionals, and policymakers.

Case Study Template April Revised

Teaching Note to Accompany Case Study April Revised

Editorial Process - Case Studies

Submissions that pass the preliminary and editorial board review are then subject to peer review from two (or more) reviewers. Here are the steps.

EP Process 1: Check the similarity
Editor (or editorial assistant) checks for similarity. All essays or perspectives containing plagiarism, including self-plagiarism are rejected.  APA policy states that aurthors are responsible for accuracy of any information in their article.  AI tools may be used, but authors should verify content and disclose and cite the use AI content responsibly.
EP Process 2: “Fit” check
Editorial board member(s) check for fit to the journal’s aim and scope. Case studies not relevant to the journal’s scope are rejected.
EP Process 3: Peer Review
Submissions that pass steps one and two are then subject to a double-blind peer review from two (or more) peer reviewers. Submissions are assessed for case pedagogy, clarity, rigor, analysis, validity, and impact on teaching and learning in Global Leadership. The review process may take four to six weeks. Upon completion of the review process (4-6 weeks), the main author of the article will receive an evaluation result as follows:

  • Accepted
  • Accepted with revisions
  • Rejected

EP Process 4: If revisions
If the case study is accepted with revisions, the editorial board assigned will re-review the case study for corrections and/or revisions. The author has two weeks to re-submit. The section editor will make the final decision to accept, reject, or request additional revisions.
EP Process 5: Final proof
It is possible that the editors will move tables, and re-arrange images or infographics for best reading practices. The main author will receive a notification of the “proofs” when ready. This will allow you to eliminate errors introduced during the proofing process. Do not make significant changes without permission from the Editor(s). 

Author Agreement Contract: 
Authors (represented by the main author) must warrant that the case study is original work, that you have rights to the work, and have obtained permission for any copyrighted work (i.e., infographics not developed by the author). Case studies should not have been published elsewhere. Authors who have an accepted case study must indicate any conflicts of interest or funding.

Critical Essays & Perspectives

Besides regular full-length submissions, Αρετή publishes case studies, perspective-taking essays, and critical essays that contribute to the conversation regarding a problem or issue. Critical essays and perspectives are a 2,000 words - 5,000 words and are related to a change in policy and incorporate a challenge or debate positions. Abstracts are limited to 250 words. Essays may identify a theme or special topic that is sufficiently compelling to the field of global leadership. Authors should use APA 7th edition format. Critical essays & perspectives are double-blind and peer-reviewed. 

Critical Essay & Perspective Template -April Revised

Editorial Process - Critical Essays & Perspectives

Submissions that pass the preliminary and editorial board review are then subject to peer review from two (or more) reviewers. Here are the steps:

EP Process 1: Check the similarity
Editor (or editorial assistant) checks for similarity. All essays or perspectives containing plagiarism, including self-plagiarism are rejected.  APA policy states that aurthors are responsible for accuracy of any information in their article.  AI tools may be used, but authors should verify content and disclose and cite the use AI content responsibly.
EP Process 2: “Fit” check
Editorial board member(s) check for fit to the journal’s aim and scope. Essays or perspectives out of the journal’s scope are rejected.
EP Process 3: Peer Review
For critical essays & perspectives, the journal uses a double-blind system for peer review. Submissions are assessed for clarity, rigor, analysis, validity, and impact on Global Leadership. A broad range of essay styles will be considered. Authors should compare different attitudes and or interpretations that nurture further debate. Critical essays & perspectives can be crafted from dissertations and should provide evidence of promising practices, new models, changing attitudes, or insights. The review process may take four to six weeks. Upon completion of the review process (4-6 weeks), the main author of the critical essay & perspective will receive an evaluation result as follows:

  • Accepted
  • Accepted with revisions
  • Rejected

EP Process 4: If revisions
If the critical essay & perspective is accepted with revisions, the editorial board assigned will re-review the essay for corrections and/or revisions. The author has two weeks to re-submit. The section editor will make the final decision to accept, reject, or request additional revisions.
EP Process 5: Final proof
It is possible that the editors will move tables, and re-arrange images or infographics for best reading practices. The main author will receive a notification of the “proofs” when ready. This will allow you to eliminate errors introduced during the proofing process. Do not make significant changes without permission from the Editor(s).

Author Agreement Contract:
Authors (represented by the main author) must warrant that the manuscript is original work, that you have rights to the work, and have obtained permission for any copyrighted work (i.e.; infographics not developed by the author). The critical essay & perspective should not have been published elsewhere. Authors who have an accepted essay must indicate any conflicts of interest or funding.


Posters should include author-created infographics and multimedia is encouraged. Authors should clearly elaborate on how the contribution impacts globally. Abstracts are limited to 150 words. Authors will use APA 7th edition format. Posters could encompass global organizational leadership including theory building, strategy, organizational behavior, employment changes, human capital, cultural and global mindset, cultural intelligence, action projects for positive change, ethics, diversity and inclusion, technology for good, learning and development, global equine business and leadership, case development, leveraging strengths for decision-making, or healthcare leadership including therapeutic studies. Posters are only accepted for the Fall issue.

Poster Expectation Details
Co-authors are accepted up to three individuals.
We accept poster sizes of 24" high by 36" wide.
All submissions must be in a PDF.
Please remove all identifying information such as name, title, organization, etc. from the poster submission in the PDF format.
The arete editioral team will place the Arete logo in the final poster submission after any corrections may be needed.
A 5-7 minute recording is required AFTER a poster is accepted. Various platforms the submitter has access to can be used such as ScreenPal, Zoom, Teams, etc. Accomodations can be made for this component.
Please include a QR code (that takes the user to a references list) at the bottom right of the poster. For additional instructions needed, please contact the editor.

All posters will include an abstract, background, methods, results, conlusions. In-text and a cummulative references list are required using APA 7th Edition.

Editorial Process - Posters

Submissions that pass the preliminary and editorial board review are then subject to peer review from two (or more) peer reviewers. Here are the steps.

EP Process 1: Check the similarity
Editor (or editorial assistant) checks for similarity. All posters containing plagiarism, including self-plagiarism are rejected.  APA policy states that authors are responsible for accuracy of any information in their article.  AI tools may be used, but authors should verify content and disclose and cite the use AI content responsibly.

EP Process 2: “Fit” check
Editorial board member(s) check for fit to the journal’s aim and scope. Posters that do not align with the journal’s scope will be rejected.

EP Process 3: Peer Review
For posters the journal uses a double-blind system for peer review. Editors will remove author information before sending it to peer reviewers. Submissions are assessed for clarity, rigor, analysis, validity, and impact on Global Leadership. A broad range of methodologies will be considered – qualitative, quantitative, mixed research methods, evaluation studies, and action research. Articles crafted from dissertations should provide evidence of promising practices, new models, or insights. The review process may take four to six weeks. 

Upon completion of the review process (4-6 weeks), the main author of the poster will receive an evaluation result as follows:

  • Accepted
  • Accepted with revisions
  • Rejected

EP Process 4: If revisions
If the poster is accepted with revisions, the editorial board assigned will re-review the poster for corrections and/or revisions. The author has two weeks to re-submit.

EP Process 5: Final proof
It is possible that the editors will request for you or will move tables, and re-arrange images or infographics for best reading practices. The main author will receive a notification of the “proofs” when ready. This will allow you to eliminate errors introduced during the proofing process. Do not make significant changes without permission from the editor(s).

Author Agreement Contract:
Authors (represented by the main author) must warrant that the poster is original work, that you have rights to the work, and have obtained permission for any copyrighted work (i.e., infographics not developed by the author). Posters should not have been published elsewhere. Authors who have an accepted poster must indicate any conflicts of interest or funding.

Privacy Statement

The journal may collect and use personal information necessary for processing the manuscript submitted to us.   Any personal information received by Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership will only be used to process and publish your submission.  If you have any questions about the privacy policy or Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership's treatment of your information, please send an email to the editor, Jennie Mitchell.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.